To be honest it sounds like not only is your infidelity eating away at your concious but he is being way too secretive to not be suspect.
It would almost sound like it was just paranoia but with him never mentioning that he has a GF to friends that ask him out makes it sound like your not too far off base.
It is very possible if he hasn't cheated on you he may be looking for what I guess he would call ';something better';
I would just try and be a girlfriend, plan stuff together, spend some time together. but if it gets to the point that he never has time for you unless he wants something from you then you may have some damaged goods on your hands.How do I ask my b/f if hes cheating without causinhg an argument?
from what im reading, you both do not deserve eachother, move on before its too late
You have no right to ask if he has been cheating. Your infidelity, and possibly his has ruined the relationship anyway. By neither of you saying that you love each other, tells me you two don't respect the relationship. End it find a new Boyfriend, be honest and monogomist.
first of all people get some decency... after you do that just sit down and try to talk with him... and advice for the future: stop cheating on yourself people... where's morality???
Get out of it, you cheated and he probably did too. Your both lacking something the others not giving.
The same thing has happen to me but me and my boyfriend has said that we love each other. We have been together the same amount same problem except he doesnt do the secretive thing. I think there is no way to ask that without causing an arguement. Just come out and ask. Make sure he is in a good mood. Maybe you should let him know that ur not trying to start an arguement you just want an answer and the truth. I mean you know most men will naturally deny it. But according to how honest he is he will tell you. With me he was just like i love you a lot and i can never hurt you especially in a way as getting revenge. hope i helped somewhat. good luck
trust your instincts and don't be afraid of conflict.
bring your concerns out in the open and leave the door open to discuss his as well.
This is what they mean by karma coming back and biting your a**. Yes he is cheating or at least acting like someone cheating. If you call him on it. He might deny it. But if he does confess. Be ready to hear you did it first. I forgave you now you have to forgive me. Yes you having cheated on him was the relationships down fall. Look at it from his point of view. Remember when your ex cheated on you. I bet you thought if I cheat on him it's all his fault. He started. That is exactly what he must be thinking. Once he was tempted. He didn't make much of an effort to resist the temptation. Why? First thought. Why not. It's not like she didn't resist. Why should I? In the long run it will not work out. He distrusts you as much as you him, if not more. Especially if he thinks he was a very good boyfriend compared to the one that cheated on you all the time. Then what did you do. Perhaps in a moment of discontentment or anger. Or a simple thing like having a good looking guy flirt with you. You cheated.
you cheated. First tell him that before trying to find ways to accuse him./
You cheated on him and now you are trying to accuse him of doing the same? Does he know you cheated? If you haven't told him maybe the reason he's acting differently towards you is he found out.
well the thing is , if he cant sit and listen to what you have to say w/ out getting defensive and irritated then something definatley is up w/ him, im not saying cheating per say, but something isnt right w/ that one. anyone who say they love you or even like you will not treat you this way, they will do all in their power to make sure that you are content w/ them and no problems, vice versa, and would be ready and willing to talk whenever. i would find a way to talk to him and try a different method w/ bringing this topic up. he's so used to your words and how you go about saying things, now is the time in the relationship to take a different turn and letting him see a serious side of you....
He's cheating and yes it's probably your fault. if you guys haven't said i love you yet. then you don't. go your separate ways and try no to mess up the next one.
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