I've been living with my girlfriend since July with her family due 2 family issues at my home. We've been dating for about a year and 2 weeks. I recently found out she cheated on me with some guy at school. I've already graduated so of course I'm stuck at her house. I mean, I work , she doesn't but that has nothing to do with this story. This wasn't the 1st time she cheated on me but I believed she should get a 2nd chance. Well, one morning my friend Clint called me and he told me he saw my girlfriend and some guy really close together.
I wanted to confront her about it but instead I played it cool. So later on that day I acted like nothing ever happened and I took her out to eat. So I tried holding her hand and was all like ';Hey babe, how was school today?'; but she pulled away insead. I tried kissing her, she pulled away. So I knew something was fishy. Later on that night, she didn't want to talk to me or anyhing so I got Fustrated by the kiddy games she was pulling and I just told her ';Look, I'm not gonna beat around the bush, Did you cheat on me?'; And their was silence on her behalf. I asked again and still was silence. Well, her actions spoke louder then her words. As I layed next to her crying my eyes out, normally she'd comfort me but instead,all she did was stare at me and tell me that crying wasn't going to help and that it wasn't going 2 change anything.
We ended up breaking our relationship and I still miss her and want to be with her 4 some reason. I know any other guy in his right mind would have left but I haven't. Maybe it's cause I believe that their is still love their.I asked why she did it and she said it was becaus she felt ';Smothered'; and ';Trapt'; in the relationship and now that she is out of a relationship she feels more ';Free'; and she also had the nerve to tell me out of nowhere that she may not love me as much as I love her but yet she still tells me she loves me, and says I'm the best kisser. People say that she'll realize what she's doing if I leave her house. I know we're broken up but yet she wants me to ';Wait'; for her. Well, yesterday she grabbed my phone and she overheard a recording of me and my friend talking about my current situation. Well, I thought I had erased it cause I purposely recorded but obviously I didn't. So she just tossed me the phone and went to the other room. Well, I followed her and I was all like ';Baby, Why are you being like the way you are?'; And then she was all like ';Don't call me baby no more, I should have told you to stop in the 1st place!'; So I ended up leaving outside, 5 min.later she follows me outside and was all like ';Want to talk?'; of course I obliged and she just said, '; I know we're not together but yet we still do things like couples do and it's not helping me out for nothing.'; So I just told her let me ask you a question, If you loved me so much like you said you did, What part of your love drove you away to cheat on me?'; She couldn't answer so I repeated it. Then she looked me in my eyes and just said, ';I DON';T love you!'; and walked away.
I know she still cares about me in SOME kind of way at least. I'm still living with her at her house and we still do what every couple does but I know she messes with this other guy as well. Seriously, it's like Torture having to wake up every morning knowing your X is messing with another guy. And even if I decide to get back with her, I still feel like she might be talking to him behind my back, I still love her though! What the hell do I do?!Would YOU take this girl back?
Honey, you need to get out of this relationship and out of that house. Stay with another friend if you have to, but you are just making her and yourself crazy over this.Would YOU take this girl back?
Get a place and dump her... she has no respect for you and she does not care about you. You can get a disease, from something as simple as a genital infection to hepatitis or even worse, HIV... You deserve better.
you are using this girl
that's why she doesnt want you any more
if you got your own place.. she could actually DATE you instead of playing being married to you
she is too young.. you two both need to grow up
when you get your own place.. and actually make a place for her.. you can win her.. but at this point.. leave her alone until YOU grow up
A wise person once said that if you love someone, you let them go and if they love you as much as you love them they will return. I think that maybe you should give her the space, she realize that what she had was good ';you don't know what you have until it is gone';. If you think that it is worth taking that chance then go for it. I wish you and ur girfriend the best of luck.
if u need help wit this kind of stuff ur really messed up
RUN RUN RUN!!!! this girl does not have a conscience!!!! she will even end up doing the same cheating on the guy she is cheating on you with!!!! she will always be the party girl until she hit;s rock bottom!!! it may sound cruel but until she finds out what it feels like she will never change!!!!!!
Love is a two-way street. It's possible to recover from things like this but it doesn't happen as much as you want to believe. Sometimes a person wants the comfort of a steady relationship and a little spice on the side -- some people think that's cool but what is she bringing home to share with you? Some gifts keep on giving and you don't want that.
If I were you I'd move -- break it clean and kind: be up front about the fairness of the whole thing -- and if she comes back, you know there's a chance, if not, there are other fish in the sea.
get out of that house!! get your own life...get your life straight...quit being a sap! geez...in the eyes of this girl you are such a loser! you have no spine....no self respect! your a carpet to wipe her feet on. yikes! you'll never get her respect this way...she'll just use you and toss you aside as she desires...because she can. the whole time building up more and more disgust for you.
get out and make your own way... if she comes running back and you still want her , make it hard for her to get back.
geez....no one wants to be with someone that allows them to be their worst.
if you enjoy being a laughing stock , stop with her
how do you know that you wont catch aids ?????????
a leopard cant change its spots...........
i felt like you once
run. do not look back and do not see her anymore. this is nothing but a bad train wreck and will get worse if you continue.
in fact she doesn't love u totally she just wants ur companion only.u r better leave her alone n move out from her house.if she still loves u (after some time) she w'd come back to u.if not u can 4get about her n look 4 other lady.take care.
Dude...reality check here.
She cheated on you. If you get back together for some unknown reason...that thought would constantly be in your head and make you go crazy not knowing where she is, or what she's doing.
She doesn't love you. Walk away from the entire situation.
When you ';think you know'; that she still cares...is only in your head. Women CAN do both...not love you AND still care about you. Do not think they are the same thing. Since the love from her is gone...you need to stop messing with your own mind and leave.
Speaking of leaving...YOU are the one causing your own grief by staying in that same house. Go move into another friend's home. And the more you keep messing with her mind in her own house...your current status of ';helping out the exboyfriend'; will change to ';irritating ex-boyfriend';...which CAN and WILL change to ';I'm tired of this...I hate him...I wish he'd just go away';. If you don't see it by now (just from what you wrote)...you are walking this same line (happened to my sister).
Lastly...stop groveling...and stop crying...and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stand up, back straight, get your things together, give her a final hug, say goodbye...and walk out of her house and out the door. Although there will be other women out there...you need to know that this may not be the last time you will get the heart in your chest stepped on again. So to answer your question at the very top...would you take her back? Dude...she's gone and left...there's nothing to take back.
Okay, I understand where you are, and it's not going to be an easy fix, trust me friend, this is going to hurt and there isn't a thing you can do about it.
This is going to sound odd, but I am seriously trying to help. You are no doubt a very sensitive and emotional person with a trusting and true nature, or you would never be in this position. Once again, there is no easy way out, and you will hurt over this one, just accept that part, and let's go on to recovering your life.
First, you are going to have to be stronger than you have ever been in your life, cause you have to leave her. I mean get away and run for your life, Run. Don't see her, talk to her, no contact at all, like a junkie kicking a drug habit.
Another female friend can help. Women tend to understand other women better than guys understand women and can offer more moral support and understanding. I am very indebted to a female friend who simply listened and offered kindness to help me through a very difficult time.
Realise that this relationship is not going to work out for you, that's the hard cold truth. There is someone out there dying to meet someone like yourself who will be honest and true, don't waste more of your time with someone who does not appreciate these qualities.
Good Luck, Be Strong.... And Run,
SOUNDS LIKE YOU MAY BE HER FUTURE STALKER?move the h*ll out and get a life.in other words she is eating her cake and getting her cookies too . get it?prolly not!i find it amazing that anyone would go threw that.and it sounds like you are making it up.TELL ME IT ISNT SOOOOOO!
It takes more than love to have a healthy relationship. It also takes respect, committment, honestly, loyalty and devotion (among other things). It does not seem that you have any of these things and you know it. It is about as obvious as a brick hitting you in the head, so you are either searching for hope here or want confirmation that breaking up with her is the right thing to do. Well, I'm not going to give you hope. I'm going to give you confirmation. Dump her NOW and don't look back.
shes not for u.
I didn't read the whole thing, just to let you know. But if it's that complicated just let the girl go. It never would've gotten this crazy if she hadn't cheated.
a woman is design by nature to go with different man.is very natural for her to have 2 lovers,and love both of them,one for lover to satisfied her sex knead,and the other to satisfied her living expenses bead,she love both equally .this have Ben proof by many university's in England and the USA.the best thing for you is to brake off.if not you going to have a bi g problem in fuhrer.
Look, if this happened to me, I would just let the guy go. He obviously is wasting my time. If she truly cared aboutt you, why would she make you feel this way? I know it would be hard to let someone you care abou this much go, but sometimes you have to do things that hurt, that's how you get through in life. I once heard that ';By giving people your heart, you are giving them the strongest weapon, but trusting them not to use it.'; She has hurt you this much with no regard to your feelings, which is just mean.
just follow your feelings, see how she acts, or try to find someone new that would not cheat on you. or try doing with her what her and the other guy were doing, and if you were, take it further, maybe she only did it for sexual relief, let her be in charge of what goes on in bed more often, and if she loves you, and she was only doing it for sexual relief, she shouldnt cheat then, but most of us girls, we DO NOT cheat, so i've never done it, but if i did, it's be for sexual reasons. try to have some fun
Well it comes down to... do you want to keep being miserable or do you want to move on. It's time to find your own place, start dating, and start loving yourself more then you have been. What makes you think you deserve to be treated with such disrespect? She does it because you allowed her to, sorry. But if you want to regain who you are, move out and move on!!
ok well that was long story but here goes...
yes you should move out...why?
because you are too smothered both of you. you worry she gonna cheat she will cheat. but if you get another place to live and she comes over to visit you well thats more interesting to her as a women.
i feel while reading this story that she thinks(may not know it herself) but she may be feeling deep inside that you need her to live because you are at her house and she is too young if she is still in school to be playing husband and wife and feeling trapped cause you need her.
what will happen is she will end up feeling love towards you yes but more like a best friend or brother cause you sound more like you are acting like brother and sister only thing you are like a foster brother.
if you move out and get your own place ...you are independent ,sexy,atracting,she will be afraid to lose you.she will be all over you.
but if you stay you will fall into different directions in life.
you want her to hunger you, to the point that deep inside her burns ......
make her want you all over again. make her proud to say thats my boyfriend.and he`s mine.
you will also be a better person inside. you will feel proud of yourself.she will see that and respect that of you.i could go on and on about this soooo much. you need to become a man and take charge of your life.when you have completed that then she will be there.
when she is finished school then she can move in and that will be another turn in your lives .....make your relationship adventurous.
make love worth living for.
but then you have to ask yourslef,is she worth fighting for?.... will she be the gurl in the end?.......is she a once a cheater ,twice a cheater always a cheater?..... or is she just a bad habit?
thats your decision.
wish life would be that easy,that people like each other could solve each others problems!!
good luck and take care!
Sorry, i know its hard to hear....but its over, be friends if you must but do whatever you have to so you can move out. You're not doing either one of you any good by staying.
I don't think that it'll be very wise to take her back, because obviously she's over you even before the relationship ended...she doesn't love you like she used to, and you should do the same. If I don't like a guy anymore, and he's still coming after me, i'd end up hating him. So you best shot might be staying friend with her, instead of trying to force her to turn her head.
no iv she is cheating on you tell her she was using u the whole time and just wants my money hope that helps
Stop torturing yourself and move on. If you two are separated then there is no reason for you to still be living in her house, especially if she told you to your face she does not love you anymore. As for her cheating, this is the SECOND time she did it, as you said. What makes you think she wouldn't do it again. My opinion is just to make a complete break from her. Move out of her home so there is no pressure or strange feelings of being obligated to carry on and pretend that nothing is wrong. Bottom line, move on. Clean break will only improve both your situations. Besides, I'm sure somewhere down the line you will eventually find someone that does deserve your love and will appreciate it.
Hope this helped.
Man just take it easy with the bothe of you two and just sit down and talk it all over and make slower moves with each other...the way it sound like you bothe are a little young and you got the whole world right here in front of your eyes...thing will happen through out yalls life and changes will have to be made between you bothe...so just accept what has happen and work it out with you 2 and just come together and least make the best way you can to be her best friend....try to give her a little space and some comfort...well man i hope things work out between you and your girl hope i gave you little advice.....
Let her go. Shes not worth it if she cheated on U. No. I think u guys broke up becuz of lack of SEx but maybe thats just me if u take her back ull just break ur own heart even more :) :(
wow that was very long but u should just let her go and be happy and she probably say sorry to u and probably get back with u she need some time to think so just leave her alone for right now shes having a hard time understand her feeling
The first thing I would do is look for a place to live. You seem to not be reading the fine lines. She cheated on you! Why are you wasting your time. If she loved you that much she wouldn't have strayed from the relationship. Find yourself a good woman and focus on you instead of HER! Good luck.
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