Monday, August 9, 2010

He cheated on me.....??? I need advice?

My father was dieing and i had to go away for six weeks my fiancee couldnt come due to work issues.....

While i was away he cheated on me with 3 different girls...

I found out and he saw how upset i was and still am (it happened 4 months ago) He has changed 100% since then but it still hurts like hell and sometimes it gets me really down it makes me think about what he was doing while i was away on modelling trips (i no longer work in that) He is a really great guy apart from the fact from the fact that he cheated of corse, I know that on here im going to get lots of mixed answers but im hoping for people to tell there stories... how they delt with it and give advice.He cheated on me.....??? I need advice?
wow he cheats on u with 3 girls not 1 or 2 but 3! and knowin ur gonin threw somethin like that?........u stayed with him why?He cheated on me.....??? I need advice?
Your guy cheated on you with 3 women while your father was dying? So what knife is left in your back? The guy is disgusting and not worthy of being in your life. He took a horrible moment in your life and somehow made it even worse because he had no self control and respect for you in 6 weeks? The guy is a loser and obviously cares nothing for you. This is how you deal with it? Stay and allow this guy to make a fool of you as a recurring theme or leave and gain some sort of your soul back.
similar story but im in the higher end of secondary school, was off ill for 3 weeks and was told over messenger by a friend whos more like a brother that he saw her cheating, 4 times over 3 weeks with 4 different people, same story aswell, she changed but i couldnt handle knowing that i obviously havent done my job and been the boyfriend i should of apparently been........ your choice, forgive and forget or move on, you dont show love thru hurting your other.
';3 different girls'; *SIGH* and you stay with him? And you wonder why you feel so down? I think you know what you have to do. In a relationship, if you don't have trust, you don't have anything. Once a cheater always a cheater. I learned that with my last gf, now she cheated on the guy she was cheating on me with when we were together, and she tried to get back with me when I broke it off with her. Get over him and find someone who respects you.
He cheated when you lost your father. It does not get much more disrespectful than that. He hasn't changed he is still the same person you assumed him to be before you found out about the affairs. I don't deal with cheaters nor liars because in the end you'll end up looking like the fool for taking them back. Do yourself a favor and find someone who truly cares about you and what you are gong through, Trust me he is just butt kissing right now he will revert to his old ways in no time.
He doesn't sound like a great guy. He put his sex needs ahead of your feelings. I wouldn't call him your fiance anymore. Once a cheat, always a cheat. Especially when someone gullible forgives them. That's like saying, ';it's ok if you cheat, I'll still be here for you';.
I agree with proud mom. My girl of 5 yrs decided to cheat on me in November and I never went back. You don't need someone who will hurt you. move on sweety it's for the best they never change
Your dad was Dying and he was out screwing around hes an A hole

he will do it again .

One time ok but 3 times?

How can you consider forgivness when you were going through hell and he does this
Great guys don't cheat!!!!!!!!!

Dump him, get support, learn from this-that this is not healthy for you and move on...You have time on your side.

Respect yourself.

When you look back on this someday you will be glad you found the strength to move on.

We have enough trouble using energy on ourselves let alone you wasting all this energy trying to figure him out and what he has/might have done in past or future. Get Over it!!!!!

Too many diseases out there to play around. You can die from them now or have them forever.

Women have choices in strength and life today-embrace that!

Maybe you would like VD-genital herpes, etc. to live with forever or AIDS! There are too many nice guys out there.

And pray about it for strength for you to move on and heal.
I believe that people can change. Not all but some. My husband cheated on me, I cheated to get back. Stupi, I know but we were both a lot younger than we are now. We are completely dedicated to each other. We have been together for 11 years now. So if the both of you are dedicated to making this work, it can. 1 thing is, you can't hold on to the past. We never throw it in each others faces or bring it up. For what? To fight? I know yours is still fresh but if you don't think you can move on from this, it won't work. Good luck to you!
wow that's really sad how could some1 that is meant 2 be in love with u do something so hurtful i have been cheated on by a guy i was with 4 2 years i was only 15 but yeah he went behind my back with my best friend but i loved him and stupidly i forgave him witch i deeply regret because it happened another 2 times

he used 2 always say he was sorry and that he loved me more than anything i believed him i always believe in a second chance but in your case i just hope u do whats right 4 u if he really cared he wouldn't of done that don't be scared 2 hurt his feeling he has done it 2 you remember there's heaps of guys out there that will love u and treat u like u should be treated i would say move on otherwise he will never learn i wish u all the best and good luck :)
If he's change then he's changed. He saw that you were really upset when you found out. Its obvious he wants to be with you if he changed. The past is the past. That was then, this is now. You just have to let go of things sometimes. Cause if you don't its going to mess up thing in the present and the future.

And you should talk to him how you feel. And see what kind of reponse you get from him.

And if he ever does it again. Then you probably she let him go and move on.

Just try to let go of it and not think about or its going to hurt you a lot more.

Hope this helps.
Sweetie, if someone would do something like that to you during such a rough time in your life than they really don't care. His biggest concern at that time should have been taking care of you emotionally, and making sure that even though he was not there with you physically that he was there mentally and emotionally, he is a jerk. The fact that he cheated with 3 different women says something about him. Did he not feel guilty after the first time and say that he was not going to do it again NO, he had to go and do it 2 more times. Baby the best advice that I can offer is to move on, because in this life that we live we are going to go through some bad times and those times would seem a lot easier if we had someone that was Truly genuine!
He cheated on you with three different girls while your father was dying? And this was only in a period of 6 weeks? No. Just no. If you stay with him, know that you cannot trust him. A good partner would be too busy worrying about you and your family in your time of need to go and sleep around with other people. Your father was dying for god's sake. Not only does that show a lack of respect for you, it shows a lack of respect for your entire family.

Ordinarily I say that sometimes a relationship can be repaired after infidelity, depending on the circumstances. But in light of your circumstances I have to say that I would drop this a**hole so fast it would make his head spin.

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