Monday, August 9, 2010

How is it that in the last administration so many tax cheats got away with it?

Should we demand that all of Washington be audited? It is totally naive to think it's just the Dems. Should both parties take this opportunity to root out these people that make ';errors'; and can't ';understand'; their tax returns?How is it that in the last administration so many tax cheats got away with it?
Preach it. Mandatory annual audits for anyone holding elected office and their top aides.How is it that in the last administration so many tax cheats got away with it?
If they ';got away with it'; how do you know it happened?

But, your point is well taken, and what this should do is spot light the need to totally destroy this corrupt tax system and replace it in it's entirety with something else.

The ';fair tax'; has a lot of support and so does a flat tax. The problem is either one keeps politicians from ';rewarding'; their buddies with a tax loop hole. And that is the real reason we have the crummy tax that we do.
Maybe if they actually had to pay them, they would be less likely to impose them on the rest of us. I was wondering why so many elite democratic politicians are always so eager to raise the taxes on the upper bracket to which they belong. I guess I got my answer. It's easy to look after the little guy if you don't have to make any sacrifices yourself. How ';patriotic'; of them! This isn't about Republicans or Democrats. This is about a group of individuals that think they are above the law. Let's unite and clean house next year...enough already!
well being that so many obama picks are showing they are thieves it is natural for you to ask but

do not try to blame others because all these Dem's were caught

you should be angry at them and not be looking for others to blame be angry at your own party and insist change
When liberals go after republicans the way they went after Sarah Palin, and find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to hold against her, personally or professionally, it becomes clear to me that some politicians actually do have ethics.

(It is monumentally naive to think that if a republican so much as spit on the sidewalk it wouldn't make the NY Times above the fold.)
Awww, poor thing.

You're worried aren't you....your Obama isn't lookin' so good right now, with his dumb appointments of tax cheats and lobbyists.
What are you talking about? Do you have any solid evidence to support your claim?
I noticed you did not name any Names

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