Monday, August 9, 2010

How to get away with cheating without your gf finding out?

how do u do it without the gf finding out and dumping u or just being mad at u?How to get away with cheating without your gf finding out?
Just don't do it.How to get away with cheating without your gf finding out?
The best way is to break up with your gf and tell her that you are not mature enough to have an intimate relationship with another human being. In this way you don't have to cheat on her and can fcuk whoever you want. If you still wants to go with your silly plans, REMEMBER THIS, women have a 6th sense and she will notice, smell it sooner or later.
If your planning on cheating then theres a part of you thast not happy in your relationship,, why dont you just break up with your GF then you'll be single to date whoever you want without feeling guilty or hurting someone else.
if u are gong to be cheating than u should not be in a comitted relationship

but u can get away with cheating for a while than u get cought eventually

but u should also try talking to ur girlfriend and find out what is missing in the relationship and work it out if u care about her

or better yet just break up cause it seems like u want to explore somemore
Cheating is a stupid thing to do. Love her or leave her!
u r dumb. hope one day a girl cheats u n thn dump u. thn u will knw how it feels.
ur sucha sleazeball.
i agree with jojo.U ought to be ashamed of yourself.Someone deicating her time to be with you and you dont even consider her feelings.Seing she has caught you before,and it seems she forgave you,dont break her trust in you again coz one day,she might just gt fed up and leave you singing 'lonely' by akon!
The fact that you're planning it ahead of time (as opposed to a spontaneous indiscretion) implies your relationship with your girlfriend isn't all it could/should be. Consider whether you really want to stay in the relationship.

There is no foolproof means of cheating on your significant other without him/her finding out. In fact, the more elaborate the scheme, I'd guess the more likely you are to be found out sooner or later. These things have a way of surfacing when you least expect it, and that's assuming your attitude is just as cavalier after doing the deed.

If you want to stay with your girlfriend, either see if you can't get what you feel you're missing with her, or discuss the potential of an open relationship with her. Just remember: an open relationship works both ways. She may opt to seek what she's not getting from you just as quickly as you play the field.
why don't you stop or ask for an open relationship, then she can have some too!!! or ask about a 3some/4some!!!

I would advice you not to cheat your gf as you will regret a lot afterwards. In love there should be care, trust and understanding. Why don't you give her all your love rather than finding ways of how to cheat her? Wish you all the best!
Men that are attached always give the game away when it comes to their mistress. They get all flustered and buckle under pressure. I suggest if you wana play like a big man, you need to up your game a touch.
Every DOG has his Day ! ......
How did someone as stupid as you are get a girlfriend. And why did you get a girlfriend that you don't come close to loving or respecting or even want. Do her a favor break up with her so she can stand a chance to find someone that really cares about her. And please don't start lying and tell us now how much you do love her. Because its no where near the truth. Any man that cheats on his woman is not thinking of her, he is thinking only of himself. And that kind of man always finds himself alone. And he always say it the woman fault. You are a num-nut and you are just one of the many men and woman's that never deserve a decent love..............
you=selfish pig.
Your a jerk, hope she dumps you.
don't cheat ur gf... don't break her trust on u...
Wait fot your punishment day, pal!
Sooner or later it catches up with you....

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