Monday, August 9, 2010

How to get away with Cheating?

my girlfriend has caught me cheating twice now with girls that have dam throat infections it takes some serious lying and worming round answers to get her to forgive me is there a real good way to get away with it we are not in a serious relationship so its not breaking her heart but i cannot stay with just 1 girl how do i get away with itHow to get away with Cheating?

ur the man....

if its not serious then dont worry about it

just have some fun

whoooooHow to get away with Cheating?
Are you stupid, or mentally ill? Which Uni are you at, Coventry?

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you could have as much ';fun'; as you like without being in a relationship with someone and hurting and disrespecting them. Just because you have no self-respect or dignity does not mean you are entitled to disrespect others.

Your girlfriend is clearly being hurt by your actions otherwise she wouldn't get angry at you. Stop punishing others for your own immoral acts, and dump her.

When you've grown up and grown a d!ck, then you can have a relationship with a REAL woman. Until then, carry on screwing everything that breathes like a teenage boy. You're not a real man. A real man has complete control of what's in his pants.
you are a disgrace! guys like you make girls the way we are! you are heartless just be effing SINGLE. your girlfriend deserves a guy 1,000 times better than you. ad you DONT deserve her at all. whats sad for YOU, not for me cause ill just laugh when it happens to you... is ';What goes around comes around. KARMA is a Bi**H. later on in life you will fall in love with a girl and want to be faithful to her and spend the rest of your life with her, and she wont give two shi*s about you, and she will cheat on you ALL the time with tons of different men that are better than you. You are PATHETIC! i feel sorry for you because you have no idea what is in store for your future. you deserve to live a lonley life by YOURSELF. you dont deserve anyone to love you. cheating is the worst thing you can do to a girl.

she should open her eyes and leave your sorry good for NOTHING pathetic, low life self!!

hahahhahaah go to H e L L :) A hole.
You want your break buttered on both sides, don't you?

Here's the thing - you're a skank. No two ways about it.

If you want to continue sleeping around, make it clear to all of them that you are not boyfriend material. And stop lying in order to try getting into girls' knickers, you only make yourself look WORSE than you already are.
it dosnt matter if the relationship is serios or not.. u shouldnt be cheating.. ur selfish and guys like u are a part of the reason why im a lesbian... u should just be single and mes with all the girls u want.. but dont do that... what if she falls in love with u and ur cheeting... its b.s and its not right and if u have to get advice how to get away with cheating. than u shouldnt be a cheater,,,, ur pathetic dude... and ur gona get some karma from what ur doing... grow up!!
you cant cheat if you don't have a girlfriend, so that's fun to u, but u enjoy having someone under ur paw which makes u feel like some sort of a man cause ur sneaking around...Uve been caught cheaters go u suck and ur playing with ppls lives as u have fun...Start saving ur money know for lawyers, doctors and counseling bills cause ur headed down the path of a lot of personal problems..
You are stupid as hell why don't you just be single if you cant be with just one person. Guys like you make me sick! Its time to grow up and be a man and not a little boy. Girls are not toys and whether she is in love or not she must not feel too good about herself to stay with an *** like you. Just remember Karma is a B****!
Why date someone exclusively at all? Why would you hurt her like that if you have no true love for her? You are being selfish. If you were any kind of REAL man you would break up with her and go on your merry little player way. Good grief you make me feel bad for you and you selfish mean-spirited little heart. Poor thing, if she had any kind of sense she should have dropped you like a hot potato.
you arent ready for a mature relationship right now, so i suggest that you break up with your current girlfriend and the next time you wanna be with a girl, make your intentions clear. Tell her what you strings attached. oh yeah and NOT in a subtle way.

Fun at the stake of other people's feelings isnt justified.

Hope I helped.

If its not breaking her heart why can't you be open with her? If it has to be a secret you are hurting her obviously. Don't be a d***. If your in an open relationship things should be open. You never know she might have someone on the side too.
In the words of Abe Lincoln - ';No man had a good enough memory to be a successful liar.';

Just date lots of girls and dont make any commitments.

Answer mine please:;鈥?/a>
Well if you're a teenager and go to school with her, give it up there is no hiding it. But if you're an adult and don't live with her, keep your phone on silent when you're with her and don't act weird.
You should probably break it off with her and play the field, like you want to. When you get ready for a real relationship, THEN you find a GF.
Here is a bright idea! If you want to sleep with random girls whenever then try being SINGLE!!! Break it off with her Its way better then you hurting her over and over And P.S you suck :)
how bout youre complete idiot and dont even think about doing it. if yu were my bf id hav killed yu by now, TO PUT IT NICELY
You can't, it seems you're screwed.
Please have the decency to stop putting your girlfriend at risk and tell her the truth.
Lol you obv made this story up to get attention on here. I highly doubt you even have a girlfriend to cheat on. :)
Break up with her. You don't deserve her. I hope you end up sad and lonely because thats where you are heading
You have to be kidding!? Just think about this: How soon before you get an STD dummy!
love hurts or its killed.
go to Israel and you can have 5 wives
you cant. and you dont deserve to

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