Monday, August 9, 2010

Women who've been cheated on, How do you stay strong and stay away from your cheating ex?

I was cheated on by my ex. He had a one night stand. It's been 2 months since I found out and broke up with him. He attempted to get back with me a few times but I was too angry. My anger has subsided alot (although not totally) but now I miss him and its stirring up old feelings and reminding me of all the good things he did for me. Sometimes I feel like contacting him but then I feel like I'm just looking for trouble since he obviously lost respect for me the moment he cheated. I also have many guy friends who tell me guys just cheat and none of them know any guys who havent cheated on their girls and/or wives. Also because I cant get my love to stop overpowering my mind. I've always been a very proud and confident person but for some reason love is messing with my head. Any advice on how you women stayed strong? I also dont want to continue holding a grudge or being angry because it's affecting me physically and emotionally, but I feel if I let go of that anger then love will win.Women who've been cheated on, How do you stay strong and stay away from your cheating ex?
Just make up your mind if you want to live the rest of your life worrying about if he is out cheating are not. And remember if he will cheat. He will lie. And then make a decision. Hopefully it is the wise one. While you are pondering over your decision count your blessings. That is that you are not already married to the jerk. And if that's not enough think of all the STD's out there and you are not the victim of one of them. That should help you stay strong.Women who've been cheated on, How do you stay strong and stay away from your cheating ex?
I am a young married woman and I am doing my best (my part %26amp; my responsibility) to help my marriage survive. God hates divorce and so do I. So in order to avoid it I am praying and educating myself. It is a job that I have to do every single day. And to tell you the truth it is not easy at all. I have been reading and listening a lot about marriage lately. How ever even if money and sex are big factors in marriage; I have found out and I have seen in my marriage as well the most difficult things in married couples are:

1. Communication problem - I mean you know what I’m talking about. You say something absolutely positive and your met understand it in a totally different way. I mean why? What happened to the words as they go to his/her ear?

a. May be the way you said it was wrong (meaning your voice tone)

b. You said it in wrong time. (Remember even right things when they are said on wrong time can be wrong as well)

c. Level of understanding

2. High Expectation – Expecting the other to be perfect; Instead of focusing on me trying to improving my character, and my way of living to help the marriage work; focusing on the other person fault. This is going to make the marriage even worse. As you focus on the other person you forget to “evaluate” your self and if you don’t have time to evaluate yourself how can you improve; if you don’t have room to improve your character why should you expect him/her to do so. If you want it to work forget trying to fix him/her and focus on yourself. Ask God to help you see yourself; ask him to give you wisdom as to how you should speak, treat, and live with your mate. You won’t believe the result. You will be amazed …you’ll see all kind of things about your self that you don’t even know you had it.

3. Not Pray together – We need to pray for one another and we need to pray together as well. This is the most important of all and I can’t emphasize it enough. Study shows the couple who pray together have a lot less chance of getting divorce. Be equally yolk. Know the word of God. Pray even about every little thing. Pray so that you can be a great communicator. Pray so that God will be glorified in your marriage. Pray about raising kids…I mean I can go on…and on I hope you got the idea.

4. Not forgiving – please forgive your mate. Remember how many times God forgiven you.

5. Pride

Let us keep praying and asking God to give us wisdom as to how we should live our married life as a christian. Please remember your kids as well and don’t be selfish they are the one who get hurt most. It is not worth to leave your mate for some silly reason that you can even live without.

Remember God is faithful what happened to others doesn’t mean it will happen to you and me. Pray…and learn from others. And stop using the ‘D...’ word in your marriage that is not a choice. If it gets more complicated than this sick advice from someone whom you trust (christian) with experience (christian counseler)

God bless you,
You talk as if cheating is something you should tolerate just because you are a woman, and your husband is a male. CHEATING is morally wrong, and yes !, you're right about feeling angry at your husband, you're right about NOT trusting him after he betrayed you. It's not Ok for women to forgive all their men's cheating, emotional abuse, disrespect for the sake of being married. It's not OK for women to ignore their feelings, self-respect to ';save'; their marriages. Men should be accountable for all what they do to mess up their marriages. Don't believe all that bunch of ignorant people who tell you that cheating is normal, that all men cheat, and you should forgive your husband, and move on. Respect yourself, lady, be aware of your feelings, confront your husband about his adultery, and if you decide to go back with him, tell him that you will not tolerate adultery again. If you cannot forget what happened, don't go back with him, listen to your self, and get out of that relationship. When a man cheats once, believe me, sooner or later he'll cheat again.

Good luck !
Go out!!! START DATING!!! meet new men, good men, not A HOLES!!!,get back in the game, stop slauching over a guy that dosent deserve you!!! is not love what you feel, is lonelyness and hes the easy way out of that!!!

call your girlfriends and go out, have fun.
The hardest part is when they are late home ( and for a good reason) your sitting there thinking they at it again .... do you want to be of those people that HAVE to known 24/7 whr they are wht they are doing sometimes it goes that way other time you just don't care but in the end if you want to stay with them remember that your never going to fully forget or forgive and at times you will be wondering was it you ...its hard and in the end even I couldn't do it
what kind of male friends do you have? i am glad i dont know people like that,. really.

either way, you are around people without any values, incl. your ex and if you dont stay away from all these wicked immaturies, incl. your male friends, you will end up without values as well.
To me cheating is very serious, and u r right he has lost all respect for u. You need to find a way to forgive him so u can find closure and forgiveness in ur heart. It is gonna be very hard to stay strong believe I know. But u need to make yourself happy and I don't believe u will be happy if u do take him back u will lose a part of yourself. BELIEVE ME
I wasn't 'strong' in the sense you are talking about. I love my husband very much and I got through the pain and hurt of it all and then thought about what decision to make about our marriage. I stayed with him and it has turned out wonderfully; not every man who cheats will do it again; many learn a huge lesson from it all. Wives cheat also, and some husbands leave and some don't. It is a personal choice.

All I can say, is if you still love him and he is showing you that he wants to earn your trust back, perhaps you should give it a chance - - - but if you know you are not willing to do this --- stay away from him; have no contact with him at all as it will just stir up those feelings. It must be a clean break and a start of your new life, alone and independent of him.

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