Monday, August 9, 2010

How can people who cheat be so careless about it ?

About getting caught that is. One of my close friends just learned that his wife is cheating on him. He caught her because she had sent or received nearly 60 text messages from the guy. They share a phone plan so when he glanced over the bill he quickly noticed this on the bill. So of course when she was in the shower he looked at her phone and there they were, plenty of un-erased messages spelling the entire affire out in clear detail. Getting busted over text messages seems to happen alot.

Another way is simply telling other friends what you're doing and of course, like always, someone tells someone else and it gets back to the person who's being cheated on.

I can honestly say I've never cheated on someone, but in my youth I was a pretty bad kid and did some things that weren't quite legal, but I certainly made sure to hide any evidence and I didn't tell everyone.

How can people trying to get away with cheating be so careless ?How can people who cheat be so careless about it ?
Proabably because deep down they don't care. If they cared they would try and hide it. But arguebly you could say if they really cared/loved their partner would they cheat in the first place?How can people who cheat be so careless about it ?
I absolutely agree with you.

First of all the are wrong cheating their husband but she should have carefull enough to hide her cell before going for shower.

its good that her husband got to know about her %26amp; her true colour.

This is what should happen with all the cheaters.
Some people are just itching to get caught, because they are so unhappy in their marriage. Some just don't care. Some are just so self-centered they think their spouse will just forgive them and often they even do it habitually. It is usually not until they get caught, or the spouse leaves them, that they begin to realize the seriousness of the situation and regret it.

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