I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm honestly curious here. I have a female friend who was chastising me for not wanting to vote for Hillary because she feels that I am a female and should want a female president. Let me just get this straight, I don't care about the gender of my president, I just want a good one.
Anyways my friend is pointing out how great it would be to have a female president and how Hillary is a role model for women - but isn't she the same person that just 'let it go' that her husband was cheating on her? How is that a good role model for women?
Please don't get nasty, I'm just asking people's opinions.How is Hillary supposed to be a role model for women when she let her husband get away with cheating?
I'm not some ';stand by your man'; kind of women, staying home baking cookies.
You young folks don't remember that ';Hillary'; quote from 1991.
Here's both of them, -exactly
';I'm not sitting here as some little woman 'standing by my man' like Tammy Wynette. I'm sitting here because I love him and I respect him, and I honor what he's been through and what we've been through together.';
You know, I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was fulfill my profession..How is Hillary supposed to be a role model for women when she let her husband get away with cheating?
So every women whose ever been cheated on is incapable of being a role model?
Yale graduate, top attorney, first lady, raised flawless Rhodes Scholar daughter, US Senator, presidential candidate.
Yeah, who would want their daughter to look up to trash like that when there's Brittney Spears and her lil sis, and Paris Hilton around.
You must be hallucinating! How can you hold her responsible for what her husband did? So what if she forgave him? People (yes presidents, priests/perverts, teachers/role models, doctors etc) cheat too and they ARE ALL HUMAN even though they have to set a good example for the rest they still make mistakes. So don't pretend like your boyfriend never cheated on you; you just didn't find out. There's grey and other colours too in between, thus things are not black and white. If and when a child for instance does something wrong, people do blame their parents for bad parenting yet i bet the parents tell them never to do what they're being blamed for. Same as blaming Hilary for her husband's sins. Why is it any of your business if she has moved on?
Besides, what her husband did has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with running the country's economy etc, and has everything to do with Clinton's dik! Hell even if hilary would have a lesbian affair and claim never to have lent her dildo to THAT WOMAN! Just as long as she runs the country successfully then she's ok. *giggles* But seriously now, you're talking about old news and it's time you moved on!
its called unconditional love, she showed the world what it is to really love someone and to show forgiveness (as did jesus and his father) even though it was people he created that killed him
I don't think she has forgotten about it, she is `using' him now isn't she ?
Her husband cheated, not her. Why do you hold her accountable for his actions? She was the 'victim' here.
I don't know if Hillary is a role model or not, I guess it depends on the person, but I would say that what went on between Hillary and her husband is not something any of us know about, and it's really no one's business. We don't know that Hillary let anything go - the point is, whatever happened, they worked it out and they are still together. The marriage apparently meant enough to both of them to work at it. I don't think that's bad.
So what you're saying is that the personal relationship that she has with her husband should affect the work she does as President?
That is a flawed way of thinking.
It's okay you have a right to your opinion just like everyone else. Alot of people thought that after that shameful scandal Hil would finally leave him. Because of politics I think she probably decided to stay with him and she probably still loves him in spite of himself. Although I wonder how well she would have done if she ran for senator as a divorcee. Also, to marry someone for BETTER or WORSE ISN'T EASY.
leadership has nothing to do with marriage. many women allow their husbands to cheat. why would she need to be a role model? i just want someone that will do their job instead of going on vacation half the time. doesn't W look all rested even though we are at war. Bill did his job even when he was getting a job.
So divorcing him would have made her a role model?
This couple faced issues - they worked together to resolve them. Attacking her for that is pretty low.
It's their personal matter.I don't care who did what I still think Bill Clinton was a better candidate at the time and I do think she can make a good one too.It's not anyone else business whether he had an affair or not or she. I'm not a cheater but it's their personal matter not anyone else's. It doesn't make her a bad person.. it should in fact show she is strong for the fact she could actually forgive him...that is if you want to barge in on their personal life.
To show full support to her husband and to gain compassion from the public, she is very smart and intelligent.
Forgiveness does not always make sense, but sometimes it pays off......
None of us have any idea whether she let him ';get away with it.'; But it is irrelevant. What was your stereotyped expectation? That if he cheated, she would have to leave him? For all you know, her not doing the stereotypically expected thing may be a sign of high moral character or a sign that she is strong enough to think for herself. Why make assumptions? It is not relevant to her leadership ability.
To MK6: Apparently you are having a little senior moment yourself. If you are going to quote someone, at least quote accurately. What Clinton said was, ';I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.';
people make mistakes. alot of women stay with the man who cheated on them. it's all about how much they love them.
look at it this way, She is respecting her marriage. 'until death'. people dont usually stick around for very long these days.
besides you shouldnt vote for her because she's female. thats like saying you should vote for the black guy cuz your black.
ps, I dont know most of the peoples names. sorry
A man will never know what it is like to be a woman. - That is her #1 card. No man will ever stand up for us truly because they have no idea what it is like to be female.
The fact that Hillary had to publicly acknowledge that her husband is almost a stereotype of men (testosterone in action) lets us know she is one of the gals. I am in the 34-44 group and have been cheated on. It sucked..but it was not my fault. It is not Hillary's fault either. People saying that are judgmental or forgetting their own mistakes. She is a real person. The rest of those men are cartoon Christian characters.
Who says he got away with it? I'm sure she gave him a good chewing out at the very least when she found out about it... not to mention what the rest of the country did!
I don't think a person's married life and domestic problems should factor in as to how well a person can handle the presidency.
Statistically speaking, there are lots and lots of ';cheaters'; out there... husbands and wives alike. Some get past it, others don't. I don't think there is any good or bad way to go about remedying a fractured marriage that everyone can agree on.
As far as how it makes her a role model for women - I suppose that depends on where your values are. Some women would accept nothing less than a divorce with full custody of the kids. Others weigh out that their relationship is generally good and feel that can overlook a few infidelities. Some honestly find divorce to be more abominable than adultery. Still others may have agreed to an open relationship right from the get-go and are neither shocked nor offended when their spouse cheats.
I feel it's a rock and a hard place situation. In some circles, divorce is a shameful event that ';proves'; you can't make a marriage work or keep your matrimonial vows. On the other hand, the world knowing that your spouse cheats on you is also humiliating to most people.
I think she probably weighed her options and chose what she felt was best for her - which is exactly what anyone (man or woman) should do in that situation.
If she was to leave Bill for cheating, her political career would likely be over. Remember, alot of America still thinks women should, 'stand by their man', no matter what happens.
This is my opinoin,
she said let it go when Bill cheated
she will say let it go when USA is drop a bomb on by Iran, Iraq or other countries
or (logical reason) she knew that she wanted to be way more important in politics that she knew if she kept with Bill as husband that she actually might be president of USA or vice or something like that.
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